Tutorials For Sale

  • Diamond Shape Easel Card
    Price: $6.25

    Gift Giving Like Never Before
    Price: $8.95

    Snowflake Gift Box Set
    Price: $9.50

    Autumn Lily
    Price: $5.00

    Petroleum Jelly
    Price: $6.00

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Betty B

I love the 2"square punched with the new corner punch!. How great is that? Love your colors and projects. Love, Love, Love.

Fran Kennedy

Gorgeous work...and thank you thank you for putting the flower punch with marker directions...it adds so much to your tutorial...you have a really cute dog...thanks for sharing...


What a great tutorial! I love everything about it! The colours are a wonderful match! Thanks for giving us all the steps to create the box and decorate it!

Chris in CO

A day late with my message about the Beautiful pizza box. Somehow I never thought I'd be saying "beautiful" and "pizza box" in the same sentence. But again, you've improved my outlook. :-)

Cher Kosakura

WOW, WOW, WOW!!! I love the look of your vintage box. I really need to get that butterfly die so I can case this beatuiful project. I will let you know when I post it so you can see what I did.

Krista Rill

You never cease to amaze me, I am again in awwww of your work. I simply love the color choices even though I think you had a hard time with picking them out, I simply love love Elegant eggplant.

I got my Max fix for the day, what a super duper sweet fellow he is............ I wonder if you have a wall of pics of just him on it. SMILING

Kelly Mayou

Congratulations! I just wanted you to know that your project will appear on the Yahoo Group Late Night Stamper’s blog finds of the day for January 28. Want to receive your own copy of the blog finds of the day? Join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stampinuplnstampers/ or visit our Blog Finds of the Day Blog at http://blogfindsoftheday.blogspot.com.

Del Owen

Your pizza box is absolutely beautiful! Just love the color combo, and the embossed sponging resist looks AMAZING! Your creativity is an inspiration. Hugs to your "fur child," Max. I'm SO glad he made it through his ordeal and is looking better than ever.

Kristi Kelly in Vegas

Just gorgeous! Love that stamp set and the colors are my favorite. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to make one!

Barbara K

Love it, Love it, Love it. What color embossing powder did you use? We are traveling and the trunk is full of stamping stuff. Clothes had to go in plastic bags and cram around the bags of Stampin Up. Only another addict would understand.

pat methot

Just so so beautiful, I just love the butterflies and all of it, the colors are so perfect. So is Max.
I love you, mom


Carole'Anne, this is one of the most beautiful things I've seen! You've really outdone yourself this time!! I love this!!!Forgot to mention the other night that your craft room is envious. And, thanks for sharing Max. He's adorable.


Another fabulous project Carole'Anne. Good to see that cute little Max.

kathy s

love this box and the colours so cool- that background stamping embossing and dabbing so pretty. max seems so patient and looks so adorable

Colett R

Another beautiful project. I think this would make a stunning page in an album!! I'm going to give it a try! Thanks for the inspiration once again.


Everything you make is wonderful!! I look forward to your posts each day. I've never "dyed" my ribbon like you - or at all for that matter - but you make it look easy. Does the ink tend to rub off on your hands?
Keep up the wonderful work - I look forward to it each day!

Christina D

I love your box! It's so neat the way you did it plus beautiful colors too. Max is sure looking good!

Candy Mills

Well now Carole'Anne this is quite beautiful!!! I absolutely love it!!!!
Beautiful colours and design. What colour did you use for the embossing? Was it clear? This is a box I would use for a gift wrap for a very special person...
Hugs and give Max a kiss from me :o) Candy

Sharon L

Beautiful! You really outdid yourself this time. When I saw Max's picture I said "Hello Maxey!" and my Tessa started running around whimpering! Silly girl!
Sharon L


Very beautiful - Love it! I hope you do not mind me copying this!! or at least some of it!

Kim S.

This is GORGEOUS! I am over the moon for this one Carole'Anne! The colors are GORGEOUS and the layers! What color did you use to emboss? Looks like gold powder? Great idea! I am going to try this one! This is GORGEOUS...did I mention that?!


Soooo pretty! Love the colors and as always, your work is flawless.

Diane McKern

Absolutely beautiful - the colors, techniques, and finished product. Thank you so much for sharing with those of us who are not quite so creative.

Cindee Wilkinson

Your card box is stunning! Thanks so much for the tutorial!

Kim Innis

WOW! I LOVE the vintage look! And the box is so cute and perfect. You also hit my FAVORITE colors! Now on to Max--he is just DARLING! What kind of dog is he??

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