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What a wonderful and original card! This is stunning :-)

Trish Hilbrand

This is gorgeous! I love the background colours and technique!


I'd love to read more about how you created that beautiful background paper...what a wonderful place to start your project!

Diana L Herranen

WOW!!! Carole Anne...This card is amazing...I love the color of the paper...and the way the dragonflies turned out. It is just so COOL!!! I am speachless.........Love it!

Cynthia Ferenz

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. You are so creative, wish I had even a qtr. of your creativity.

Cynthia Ferenz
[email protected]
Proud Parent of 2 Soldiers

Monica Tamagri

This is a FANTASTIC card. It looks like a painting on canvas but with a card instead. You truly have an eye for art. Thanxs again for sharing such great posts. I always look forward to a new day of posting. Lots of inspiring go on here. Thank U Monica :)

Sandy Jones

What an awesome background! Love it....well, love the whole card! Sounds like everyone wants more detail on the 'how to'! It's absolutely gorgeous!!!

Sue Root

Your background is fantastic. The dragonflies look pretty cool done with the bleach. Liked seeing your knotted ribbon. I tried something similar the other day, but couldn't get it to turn out the way I envisioned. Maybe I needed to add bling like you did :)


Love your background. And your ribbon effect is so different. How do you think of all that new stuff? Very cool card.

Maria Levine

WOW, this is very cool! LOVE that background and the ribbon soo neat!! What a fantastic tutorial! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at JUGS!

Ruthie - rainbowkreations

LOOOOOOOVE IT!!! the knotted bow is so cool!
You ROCK!!!! :)


I like the way you knotted that ribbon. The background is really cool.Maybe another time you can show us how you did it. I am a huge dragonfly fan.Love them.


How can you possibly find a way to kick it up a notch EVERY day? This card is super fantastic! Love the ribbon knots and the background is to die for. You picked just the right sets to show off your spectacular background creation

Candy Mills

Oh Carole'Anne!
That background is to die for!!! Sure wish we saw how you made it....
Beautiful card!
Sorry I have missed your last two posts - I am out of town for 3 weeks. I will have to catch up with them when I get back. Now I have computer access I should be able to see the rest :o)
Hope work was OK as you were short staffed.
Hugs, Candy

Christina D

I love it!! Wow, I love the background and how you knotted the ribbon. Bows and I don't get along. I'm not sure about using bleach though, I'm a klutz with wet stuff.

Robin Merriman

Beautiful card my friend - love your background and that ribbon work is really gorgeous! Love it's uniqueness!

Nicole Tugrul

Beautiful card..I love the background. You have some amazing talent!

Carri McMullen

What a really unique way to add ribbon. Thank you for sharing.

Tammy Jackson

Oh, Carole'Anne how beautiful. So unique. I LOVE it! The ribbon is beautiful. You are the most amazing artist. I love you and your work my dear friend.
Big HUG to you and my favorite furry Canadian friends!

Selene Kempton

Simply gorgeous!

Pat Turner

Love the final outcome of the color, it is really gorgeous. The flower and dragon flys add that little extra to break up the design. Good job! I would love to win this blog candy. Beautiful sets!


I thought the flowers looked really good. As usual, your finished card is A #1!

Marge Waskiewicz

I love this gorgeous card, especially how you did the background. Were the colors sponged in? My favorite is the dragon flies and how you used bleach. The color combination is so beautiful, thanks for sharing how it's done.
Knotting the ribbon is very different. Love it.


Wow - your background is really pretty. I love that look. Just wondering - what do you do with all of your cards? Just got me thinking that this one would be hard to mail.

kathy s

what a great finish the tied ribbon gives such dimension and this card looked fine with the flowers but I also liked your second choice -Love your background paper too soooo effective.

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