Tutorials For Sale

  • Diamond Shape Easel Card
    Price: $6.25

    Gift Giving Like Never Before
    Price: $8.95

    Snowflake Gift Box Set
    Price: $9.50

    Autumn Lily
    Price: $5.00

    Petroleum Jelly
    Price: $6.00

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Lucia Kaiser

You just never cease to amaze me. Those beads are incredible. I'm in Florida without any of my supplies! Now that I've seen this - well I want to scream because I can't try it! I think I'll have an order sent down to me here!


kris lynch

OMG! those beads are fabulous!!!


SUCH a gift! Never in a million years would I have come across the idea of making beads myself. And the card you used them on today is just sooooo gorgeous.

Thanks you, thank you, thank you.

Cards by Gina Shaw

Wow! Your paper beads are absolutely amazing! Thanks so much for playing at PPA!


Hi, hope you don’t mind us leaving a note to tell you about our fabulous Ugandan Recycled Paper Mzuribeads, Barkcloth, Banana leaf, and recycled Glass beads ON SALE at MZURIBEADS.COM.

Here you can check out a selection of ethical and eco beads all made by groups building sustainable businesses and promoting environmental awareness.

Thank you for your support, and for promoting sustainable bead projects.


Sage Kimble

Love the beads! I can't wait to try some.

Julia Leece

what a cool idea! TFS as I haven't seen them before.
how long did you find it took for the beads to dry?

Sandy Jones

I used to make these w/my 6th-8th grade students, but used colorful pages from magazines. The kids loved making them and their moms loved receiving the necklaces and earrings made by their son/daughter. They came out beautifully and the kids were always so proud of them and to have a pretty gift from their child....a treasure. It's neat you made these using SU products. They'd be pretty using our DSP as well. Thanks for reminding me of a great project and I can't wait to make these again now!


Absolutely wonderful tutorial. Love those beads. Aaaawww look at dear little Max.

pat methot

What a great idea with the paper beads, also a good way of using up scraps of cardstock. Nice swap cards. I hope you will finally get your "thank you" card that I had sent for all the beautiful gifts you gave me for my birthday. Just a tad late but better late than never. Love mom

Christina D

Max is looking good. I love your beads and now I know your trick of making them shiny. All the cards you received are beautiful. Wow, what talent.


Thanks for the tutorial on the beads. I like all the different shapes. Max, of course, is sweet even while sleeping.


Wow! You did a great job with the beads. Thanks so much my dear for teaching us how to do it!

Candy Mills

Hi Sweetie,
Thanks for the bead tutorial. Some of those paper cuts I hadn't seen before :o)
Beautiful cards you received in your swap!!
Give Max a little kiss from me please.......
Hugs, Candy

Kim S.

What an excellent tutorial Carole'Anne! If there is a "blinky" for outstanding tutorials than you deserve it!! :) You provide us with the best dscription and pictures (for all us visual learners!) These beads are so beautiful...I know, I said that yesterday but they are! You did such an outstanding job! You are in a league all your own! Hope you have a blessed day & evening!

Sharon Field

Thanks for posting my cards today Carole Anne! I LOVE the bead tutorial! I've made basic paper beads before, but you make it look so much easier! I'll have to try some of these fun shapes!! Hugs!

Sandi MacIver

good morning my friend, what a wonderful idea to make some beads from all that beautiful designer paper you created, awesome job.
And the swaps all look great, thank you for posting my cards, and I have returned the favor, they are all posted on my blog today too, great minds think alike,,,,no wonder we are sisters.......lol

Tammy Jackson

I LOVE the beads. You really did an amazing
job. I have seen these before but yours are
so pretty I have to try.
I was beginning to think you forgot my Max picture but you stuck it in. I LOVE him. He is adorable.
Big HUG to you.


Hi Carole' Anne! Thanks so much for sending posting my cards today. I appreciate it.
I love the beads....I haven't done those in years......I'll have to try again. So-so pretty and just the right touch for your Asian Book. Beautiful, but I would expect no less coming from you.

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