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« Whow Sandi you are my HERO! | Main | Greeding kid Cards continued watercolouring technique »



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Jamie Pierson

This is soooo fantastic! Thanks for all the lesson on coloring too; I need that! Your blog rocks!

Kim S.

This is by far the best Halloween card I've seen! Thank you so much for showing how to use the watercolor pencils...I have them and tend to color with them instead of just depositing the color in one spot. i will try this way next time! LOVE the spider web effect with the big shot...really cool card!Have a great one!

Trish Hilbrand

What a great card! Love the design and all the colours. I don't send Halloween cards but I love to do Halloween pictures. I just use them to decorate.

christina d

I love your card. Those kids are so cute! I have everything but SU watercolor paper. Will the regular stuff work if it's smooth? You made this look so easy. I gotta try it. I can't wait to see what's next.

Mitzi Luttrull

What a cute card! The watercoloring you did is beautiful. I typically don't do Halloween cards, either. I do like that spider web EF. I think it would go well with a gardening theme if you didn't want to use it for Halloween.

Robbie Rubala

Wow I learned something new. I always colored my image in the with pencils and then used the aqua painter. Will have to try laying down color. TFS



Thanks for the watercoloring tips! I still struggle with that! I love your card and I don't think I have made and Halloween cards either!

Patrice Herrera

What a cutie! This card is amazing! The attention to detail is what makes this card spectacular. Love It!


Very nice!!! Thanks for sharing the tutorial. Makes me want to CASE it.


Well... Another masterpiece from a great artist. I didn't particularly like that stamp set, but you have made it adorable. Now I love it! Tfs.


Cute card! You are so creative!

Sandi MacIver

wow, that is a beauty, I'm casing that for sure, you did a simply amazing job on it.
Hugs My sis, hope you are having a wonderful day.

Michelle Sturgeon

I love making Halloween cards...hopefully this will not be your last! That set is so cute and should be arriving at my door on Thursday!

Carey Rogers

You have NEVER made a Halloween card? You are kidding me aren't you? This one is absolutely spectacular. You are such a perfectionist to each detail and it shows by such wonderful creations. Thanks for sharing this with us. Say hi to my furry friends. Roscoe says come on down and play with him. The neighbors are cutting wood and he loves to go play with their 13 (yes I said 13) dogs when they do that. Then we could Sandi's three darlings and have a lot of doggies. Doesn't that sound like fun? Anyway, I love what you have done with the watercoloring. Thanks for all the fun you have shown us and the great ideas.

Carey Rogers
aka Roscoe's mommy

Sandi Dailey

I agree with Celine -- it is magnicant and the colors (your watercoloring) is awesome.


Tammy Jackson

BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for the wonderful tutorial. You really do a great job with your watercoloring. It is beautiful! So, the watercoloring paper is a must have to do this?
Have a great day my friend! Extra love for Max and Goldie.

Céline de noisy


Elle est magnifique, j'adore ces petits tampons, et l'embossage toile d'araignée.. et les couleurs..

Très joli travail.

Des gros bisous de France.


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